Let us make your organization more effective, together.


JAMCI focuses on improving organizations’ capabilities and effectiveness through systematic alignment and reinforcement of strategies, structures, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes.

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List of Organization Development Programs

Organization Structuring

Design appropriate organization structure for better process efficiency, eliminate redundant positions, maximize headcounts, improve team interactions, etc.

Vision, Mission, Core Values Formation

Revisit and/or establish the Company’s VMV to serve as focal points and provide the organization and employees a common sense of direction.

Job Description Manual

Development of Job Description Manual to serve as reference of employees in the performance of their role and of HR for hiring, performance management, training & development and other HR programs.

Job Evaluation

Develop the Company’s Job Evaluation Program to provide for a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to other jobs within the organization.

Salary Structuring

Review and/or design of a pay scale to align with the Company’s compensation philosophy and to ensure internal pay equity.  This usually follows after the conduct of a Job Evaluation.

Total Rewards / Benefits Review & Design

Review and/or design of other compensation or benefits programs, including short & long-term incentive plans.

HR Policies & Procedures Manual

Review and/or development of an HR Policies and Procedures Manual to comply with local labor laws and to consider external market practices and internal requirements of the organization and the employees.

Performance Management System

Development of a KRA/KPI-based Performance Management System to cultivate a pay-for-performance culture.  Conduct of training session on how to create Key Performance Areas / Indicators are likewise offered.

Strategic Planning Program

Conduct of Strategic Planning Workshops to guide Management in identifying its short and long-term corporate objectives.

HR Audit

Conduct an objective review and inventory of existing HR programs, systems, policies, procedures and practices to gain better understanding of present status/situation of the company and root cause/s of problems and concerns which will serve as inputs in the development of recommended interventions.

Learning & Development

Identification of employees’ skill and competency gaps versus company requirements and the development and conduct of customized training & development programs to minimize or close the gaps.

  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Soft Skills Training Design & Conduct

Let JAMCI assist you unleash your organization’s full potential so you can focus on attaining your corporate objectives.